If you really want to succeed in Monopoly Go, there are a couple of must-know tips you should keep in mind when you’re circling the board in the game.
Unlock the Community Chest as Soon as Possible

The Community Chest is a jackpot of sorts, one that can win once every day. But when you first start playing Monopoly Go, the Community Chest feature is locked. To unlock the mini-game, you must invite five friends to the game. Once you have the required number of players, you can play the Daily Jackpot game. So sending invites to random players, IRL friends, and family!
You automatically put money in the Community Chest whenever you land on the titular tile. However, you can also multiply the prize while playing the Jackpot mini-game. To do so, you must remove more friends from the board before landing on a chest key. If you successfully remove all friends, the money will be multiplied by 50. Do try to avoid opening the Community Chest until you’re ready to get off for the day. That way, the jackpot has the opportunity to grow and grow into a truckload of cash.
Maximize Your Dice Multiplier With the 6-7-8 Rule

As you move around the board normally, just use the smallest multiplier available. But if you notice that you have either 6, 7, or 8 spaces in between your current spot and the spot you’re hoping to land on, increase your multiplier. You can go all in and put it at its highest available, or play it safe as you learn this method. This is because they are the most common dice outcomes—with a 25% chance of recurring.
This method is going to require that you’re paying close attention to your device as if you leave it on Auto Roll, you’re going to miss out on great opportunities to hopefully sway the odds in your favor. It’s not a 100% guarantee, but you can still try it!
Join Sticker Trading Communities

Collecting stickers in Monopoly Go is one of the best ways to earn rewards without doing much of anything. As you play, you’ll earn more and more, but often times you’ll be left with several incomplete sticker books, and the game won’t release said rewards until it’s completed. That’s where trading comes in handy.
Since everyone playing is getting different Monopoly Go Stickers, it’s only natural to trade what you don’t need with others. The best thing is to join Monopoly Go trading groups. Try trading on Reddit or even the official Discord server!
Burn Through Cash Before You Log Out

There is no punishment for bankrupting in Monopoly Go. However, while you are away from the game, people can invade your Monopoly kingdom and snatch your money from your bank. But you know what they can’t take? The money you don’t have!
So when you’re away from Monopoly Go, if all they’re raiding is a bank full of dust and cobwebs, you’ll get the last laugh. You’ll earn more money back in no time and can easily repair any damages. You should spend your money on upgrades rather than have the vultures snatch it away from you!
Getting All Free Giveaways

Monopoly Go is downright stingy when it comes to rewards, which is to be expected of a free-to-play mobile game. However, you can game the system and collect a steady stream of free stuff from these sources:
Use any Dice Links.
Collect gifts from the store every 8 hours.
Join the Monopoly Go Discord server to stay up-to-date with giveaways.
Daily login bonus.